Sunday, March 2, 2014


TARIKH: 3 Mac 2014 (Isnin)     KELAS: 2A     MASA: 1250-1400
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni
TOPIK: Jalinan
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah penghasilan jalinan tampak dan sentuh.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan corak dengan menyatakan dengan jelas corak tampak dan sentuh.
NILAI MORAL: Bantu membantu.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Pelajar menghasilkan corak jalinan dengan menggabungkan unsur flora dan fauna. Guru memberikan contoh seperti jalinan daun, kulit pokok dan juga corak pada burung. Pelajar bertanya soalan seperti "Lukis naga dapatkah cikgu?" Guru menerangkan bahawa hasil mereka mesti berpandukan kepada unsur alam walaupun tidak salah sekiranya mereka ingin menggunakan kreativiti mereka sendiri dengan melukis unsur fantasi yang tidak keterlaluan. Penghantaran hasil pelajar ditangguh ke minggu 11.  

DATE: 3rd March 2014 (Monday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1635-1710
THEME: People
TOPIC: LITERATURE – “One Is One and All Alone” by Nicholas Fisk.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the place and the persona in the short story.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
MORAL VALUES: Co-operation.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 literature textbook
REFLECTION: Teacher asks students wether they've read the short story. Less than half raise their hands. Teacher divide them in groups and students take turns to read the whole story aloud. Students were able to identify the characters, setting as well as the themes. Teacher also write notes regarding the topic discussed.

DATE:  3rd March 2014 (Monday)     CLASS: 2H     TIME: 1710-1820
THEME: People
TOPIC: GRAMMAR– Adjectives that show qualities.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide correct grammar usage in terms of adjectival sentences in their daily conversation.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
MORAL VALUES: Co-operation
RESOURCES: English Form 2 textbook
REFLECTION: Students did a task on the topic. Teacher explains in BM to convey the instructions and the meanings of the sentences which was written in English. After markings, students were given a spelling quiz. Half of the students could spell the words given such as laughing, brown etc. Weak students were given another spelling involving 5 letters as well as their meanings.

DATE: 4th March 2014 (Tuesday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1250-1400
THEME: People
TOPIC: GRAMMAR– Adjectives that show qualities.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide correct grammar usage in terms of adjectival sentences in their daily conversation.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
MORAL VALUES: Co-operation
RESOURCES: English Form 2 textbook
REFLECTION: Students were able to do the given task. Teacher explain the topic and students were given the exercises based on the notes.

DATE: 4th March 2014 (Tuesday)     CLASS: 2H     TIME: 1710-1820
THEME: People
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the answers for the comprehension.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 2) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
MORAL VALUES: Co-operation
RESOURCES: English Form 2 textbook
REFLECTION: Vocabulary practise with the students. Mostly about antonyms such as intelligent-stupid, lazy-hardworking, good-bad etc. (Refer form 2 English textbook, page 20). Students were able to do the task but with meaning translations from the teacher.

TARIKH: 5 Mac 2014 (Rabu)     KELAS: PA     MASA: 1250-1400
TEMA: Asas-asas Senireka.
TOPIK: Jalinan.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah pengaplikasian asas-asas senireka dalam karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan corak dengan menyatakan dengan jelas konsep imbangan dan keseragaman.
NILAI MORAL: Yakin diri
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.1
REFLEKSI: Pelajar dikehendaki melakar sebuah rumah yang mengandungi corak pada setiap bahagiannya. Walaupun terdapat masalah komunikasi sedikit, ia dapat diatasi dengan penggunaan bahasa yang mudah. PnP dapat dilaksanakan dengan jayanya.

TARIKH: 5 Mac 2014 (Rabu)     KELAS: 2H     MASA: 1600-1710
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni.
TOPIK: Ruang.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah pengaplikasian unsur-unsur seni dalam karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan corak dengan menyatakan dengan jelas unsur ruang dalam hasil seni mereka.
NILAI MORAL: Yakin diri
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Pelajar diberi nota mengenai ruang terutamanya perspektif. Mereka didedahkan dengan lukisan yang mempunyai perspektif satu titik lenyap. Tugasan mereka disambung dalam kelas seni yang akan datang.

TARIKH: 5 Mac 2014 (Rabu)     KELAS: 2J     MASA: 1710-1820
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni.
TOPIK: Ruang.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah pengaplikasian unsure-unsur seni dalam karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan corak dengan menyatakan dengan jelas unsur ruang dalam hasil seni mereka.
NILAI MORAL: Yakin diri
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: PnP diteruskan dengan lukisan perspektif satu titik lenyap. Guru memberi penerangan sebelum tugasan diberikan pada para pelajar. Guru banyak membantu dalam penghasilan draf pertama pelajar.

DATE: 6th March 2014 (Thursday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1250-1400
THEME: People
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the answers for the comprehension.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 2) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
MORAL VALUES: Co-operation
RESOURCES: English Form 2 textbook
REFLECTION: Students learn about the format of formal letter. Learn new words such as swollen, sprained, pain killers. Then they were asked to complete their own letter. T&L as usual.

TARIKH: 6 Mac 2014 (Khamis)     KELAS: 2G     MASA: 1525-1635
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni.
TOPIK: Ruang.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah pengaplikasian unsur-unsur seni dalam karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan lukisan perspektif satu titik lenyap dengan menyatakan dengan jelas konsep ruang dalam hasil seni mereka.
NILAI MORAL: Yakin diri
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Pelajar menghasilkan lukisan perspektif satu titik lenyap. PnP berjalan dengan lancar. Sesi mewarna lukisan perspektif ini akan disambung pada minggu 11.

DATE: 6th March 2014 (Thursday)     CLASS: 2H     TIME: 1635-1710
THEME: People
TOPIC: LITERATURE – “One Is One and All Alone” by Nicholas Fisk.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the place and the persona in the short story.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
MORAL VALUES: Co-operation.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 literature textbook
REFLECTION: Students learn to build sentences by making them competing among themselves. Students are divided into 3 groups and they have to write sentences based on the given words. Examples of words are dance, swim, mountain, waterfall and grandmother.

DATE: 7th March 2014 (Friday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1710-1545
THEME: People
TOPIC: LITERATURE – “One Is One and All Alone” by Nicholas Fisk.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the place and the persona in the short story.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
MORAL VALUES: Co-operation.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 literature textbook
REFLECTION: Students continue to read the short story. T&L as usual.

TARIKH: 7 Mac 2014 (Jumaat)     KELAS: 2B     MASA: 1710-1820
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni
TOPIK: Jalinan.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah pengaplikasian seni tampak dan sentuh dalam karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan corak dengan menyatakan dengan jelas konsep imbangan dan keseragaman.
NILAI MORAL: Yakin diri
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Pelajar diberikan tugasan untuk menyiapkan lukisan satu titik lenyap yang menggambarkan sebuah kawasan kampung. Tugasan dibantu oleh guru dalam melukis perspektif yang dikehendaki.

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