Monday, March 17, 2014


TARIKH: 17 Mac 2014 (Isnin)     KELAS: 2A     MASA: 1250-1400
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni.
TOPIK: Warna.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah penghasilan perspektif satu titik lenyap setelah selesai mewarna.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan perspektif dengan menyatakan dengan jelas penghasilannya dalam lukisan.
NILAI MORAL: Mengambil berat.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Nota berkaitan warna diberikan pada pelajar beserta dengan penjelasan dari guru. Para pelajar menghabiskan tugasan yakni sambungan lukisan perspektif minggu lepas.

DATE: 17th March 2014 (Monday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1635-1710
THEME: People
TOPIC: LITERATURE – “One Is One and All Alone” by Nicholas Fisk.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the language and style in the short story.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 literature textbook.
REFLECTION: Students were given explanation on the topic of language and style found in the short story. After that they were required to hand in the exercises on TRUE FALSE statements and Rearranging The Sentences.

DATE:  17th March 2014 (Monday)     CLASS: 2H     TIME: 1710-1820
THEME: People.
TOPIC: GRAMMAR– Simple past tense.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide correct grammar usage in terms of adjectival sentences in their daily conversation.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 textbook
REFLECTION: Students were able to do the given task. T&L as usual.

DATE: 18th March 2014 (Tuesday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1250-1400
THEME: People
TOPIC: GRAMMAR– Simple past tense.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide correct grammar usage in terms of adjectival sentences in their daily conversation.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 textbook.
REFLECTION: Exercise on punctuation given in papers. Students were able to complete the task.

DATE: 18th March 2014 (Tuesday)     CLASS: 2H     TIME: 1710-1820
THEME: People
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the answers for the comprehension.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 2) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 textbook.
REFLECTION: Exercise about the simple past tense. Students were able to complete the task.

TARIKH: 19 Mac 2014 (Rabu)     KELAS: PA     MASA: 1250-1400
TEMA: Unsur-unsur seni.
TOPIK: Warna.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah perspektif dalam penghasilan karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan ruang dengan menyatakan dengan jelas konsep perspektif dalam lukisan.
NILAI MORAL: Mengambil berat.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.1
REFLEKSI: Pelajar membuat tugasan berkenaan harmoni yakni corak berulang dalam kelas. P&P berjalan lancar.

TARIKH: 19 Mac 2014 (Rabu)     KELAS: 2H     MASA: 1600-1710
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni.
TOPIK: Warna.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah perspektif dalam penghasilan karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan ruang dengan menyatakan dengan jelas konsep perspektif dalam lukisan.
NILAI MORAL: Mengambil berat.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI:Para pelajar melengkapkan lukisan perspektif satu titik lenyap. P&P berjalan lancar.

TARIKH: 19 Mac 2014 (Rabu)     KELAS: 2J     MASA: 1710-1820
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni.
TOPIK: Warna.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah perspektif dalam penghasilan karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan ruang dengan menyatakan dengan jelas konsep perspektif dalam lukisan.
NILAI MORAL: Mengambil berat.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Perhimpunan sekolah. P&P ditangguhkan.

DATE: 20th March 2014 (Thursday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1250-1400
THEME: People
TOPIC: Famous People with Cikgu James Greisler
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify social problems in their community and create a superhero to solve them.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: Warm-up: apples-berries-potatoes stretches

Activity 1: Review the heroes lesson from last week.

Activity 2: Discussion. Ask students to think of social problems in Malaysia (avoid direct political responses). Make a chart on the board separating them into problems inside and outside the school. Students should copy this chart into their exercise books and be given a few minutes to think of ideas.

Inside: bullying, vandalism, smoking in the toilet, sleeping in class, late to class
Outside: illegal motor racing, open burning, gangsters, pick pockets

Activity 3: Students go into groups of three or four. Each group chooses a social problem and must create a superhero specially designed to solve their problem. They need a superhero name, powers, drawing, and to identity what the social problem is and why it is a problem.

Display drawing and ideas on manila card.

Students must also do a group presentation for the class.
Ex: Miss Clean-it-up-lady – deal with littering. She turns all the trash into candies and gives it to orphans.

*make sure students look for positive, non-violent solutions to their social problems. 
REFLECTION: Students participated throughout the lesson. Although there were some problems pertaining to vocabulary but students managed to explained the needed words to describe their answers. Teacher also helps in giving the needed word building. Teaching was fun with some activities by Cikgu James. Students enjoyed the lesson and some even reminding their friends “Stop talking too much” for too much active participation.

TARIKH: 20 Mac 2014 (Khamis)     KELAS: 2G     MASA: 1525-1635
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni.
TOPIK: Warna.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah perspektif dalam penghasilan karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan ruang dengan menyatakan dengan jelas konsep perspektif dalam lukisan.
NILAI MORAL: Mengambil berat.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Para pelajar menyambung semula tugasan mewarna lukisan satu titik lenyap mereka. Campuran warna dibuat dengan bantuan guru. P&P berjalan lancar.

DATE: 20th March 2014 (Thursday)     CLASS: 2H     TIME: 1635-1710
THEME: People
TOPIC: LITERATURE – “One Is One and All Alone” by Nicholas Fisk.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the language and style in the short story.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 literature textbook
REFLECTION: Notes on language and style. Teacher reminding students to be caring towards everyone as well as to be positive to other people. Teacher also remind them that others could tell from the students’ own action and language if they were becoming uncaring.

DATE: 21st March 2014 (Friday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1710-1545
THEME: People
TOPIC: LITERATURE – “One Is One and All Alone” by Nicholas Fisk.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the language and style in the short story.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 literature textbook
REFLECTION: Students were able to do the given task. T&L as usual.

TARIKH: 21 Mac 2014 (Jumaat)     KELAS: 2B     MASA: 1710-1820
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni
TOPIK: Warna.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah pengaplikasian seni ruang yakni perspektif satu titik lenyap dalam karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan tugasan seni dengan mengaplikasikan perspektif dalam lukisan.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Sambungan lukisan perspektif satu titik lenyap. Pelajar menghantar hasil kerja mereka yang terakhir.

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