Sunday, March 9, 2014


TARIKH: 10 Mac 2014 (Isnin)     KELAS: 2A     MASA: 1250-1400
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni.
TOPIK: Ruang.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah penghasilan perspektif satu titik lenyap dalam lukisan.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan perspektif dengan menyatakan dengan jelas penghasilannya dalam lukisan.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Pelajar diberi tunjuk ajar tentang cara-cara melukis perspektif satu titik lenyap yang menggambarkan sebuah kawasan ladang. Pelajar menggunakan kreativiti sendiri untuk menghasilkan gambaran yang dikehendaki. Tugasan minggu lepas juga disambung dan dihantar.

DATE: 10th March 2014 (Monday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1635-1710
THEME: People
TOPIC: LITERATURE – “One Is One and All Alone” by Nicholas Fisk.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the place and the persona in the short story.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 literature textbook.
REFLECTION: Students were given the task to give their opinions on the topic of living in outer space. 10 students gave their answers and the reasons we can live beyond earth. Teacher also emphasized about the need to sympathize for the families in times of trouble and sadness regarding the tragedy of flight MH370.

DATE:  10th March 2014 (Monday)     CLASS: 2H     TIME: 1710-1820
THEME: People.
TOPIC: GRAMMAR– Simple past tense.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide correct grammar usage in terms of adjectival sentences in their daily conversation.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 textbook
REFLECTION: Teacher gave exercises on simple past tense. T&L as usual.

DATE: 11th March 2014 (Tuesday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1250-1400
THEME: People
TOPIC: GRAMMAR– Simple past tense.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide correct grammar usage in terms of adjectival sentences in their daily conversation.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 textbook.
REFLECTION: Students learned the meaning of emphasized, Government Civil Service, flying colours, progress, development and enterprising. They also answered the questions regarding Tun Dr. Mahathir.

DATE: 11th March 2014 (Tuesday)     CLASS: 2H     TIME: 1710-1820
THEME: People
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the answers for the comprehension.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 2) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 textbook.
REFLECTION: Students did exercises on simple past tense. 6 students have problems with converting or changing the words into past tense. Teacher provide guidance and improve their understandings.

TARIKH: 12 Mac 2014 (Rabu)     KELAS: PA     MASA: 1250-1400
TEMA: Unsur-unsur seni.
TOPIK: Ruang.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah perspektif dalam penghasilan karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan ruang dengan menyatakan dengan jelas konsep perspektif dalam lukisan.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.1
REFLEKSI: Nota berkaitan ruang diberikan kepada pelajar. P&P berjalan lancar.

TARIKH: 12 Mac 2014 (Rabu)     KELAS: 2H     MASA: 1600-1710
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni.
TOPIK: Ruang.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah perspektif dalam penghasilan karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan ruang dengan menyatakan dengan jelas konsep perspektif dalam lukisan.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Sambungan lukisan perspektif. Guru memberikan tips berkaitan lukisan kaki langit atau horizon, lukisan bangunan dan jarak penglihatan dalam lukisan berkenaan.

TARIKH: 12 Mac 2014 (Rabu)     KELAS: 2J     MASA: 1710-1820
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni.
TOPIK: Ruang.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah perspektif dalam penghasilan karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan ruang dengan menyatakan dengan jelas konsep perspektif dalam lukisan.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Para pelajar menyambung lukisan mereka berkaitan perspektif satu titik lenyap. Dapat disiapkan dalam tempoh yang diberi, P&P berjalan lancar.

DATE: 13th March 2014 (Thursday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1250-1400
THEME: People
TOPIC: Famous People with Cikgu James Greisler
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify the seven continents of the world and several famous heroes from each continent, naming their jobs, countries, and respective continents.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: Activity 1 (10 – 15 minutes): Draw a Venn diagram on the board. Students should fill in adjectives comparing and contrasting heroes and celebrities. Discussion afterward.

Activity 2 (20 minutes): Teacher chooses a student to hold up a map of the world. Use the aide to ask students what the seven continents are. Ask them to name at least one country from each continent.

North America
USA, Canada. Mexico
South America
Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Columbia
France, England, Germany, Austria
Malaysia, Korea, China, India
Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, South Africa

Hand out heroes worksheets. Students must color the different continents using the following colors.

North America
South America
**meanwhile, teacher posts the biographies of the famous people around the room using masking tape.

Activity 3 (20 minutes): Hand out heroes worksheets. Students should walk about the room, read the mini biographies of the hero, and record that person’s name, country, continent, and job. Afterward, have a group discussion, reviewing the information on the posters and worksheet.
RESOURCES: World heroes worksheet, world heroes biographies, tape, giant map of the world, markers.
REFLECTION: Students were able to do the given task. Although some of them were having difficulties in providing the necessary words in the first activity but Cikgu James and teacher managed to solve their problems. T&L done smoothly with 100% participations from students.

TARIKH: 13 Mac 2014 (Khamis)     KELAS: 2G     MASA: 1525-1635
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni.
TOPIK: Ruang.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah perspektif dalam penghasilan karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan ruang dengan menyatakan dengan jelas konsep perspektif dalam lukisan.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Sambungan lukisan perspektif satu titik lenyap. Hasil seni disiapkan dan akan diwarnakan pada minggu 12 berserta dengan nota mengenai warna.

DATE: 13th March 2014 (Thursday)     CLASS: 2H     TIME: 1635-1710
THEME: People
TOPIC: LITERATURE – “One Is One and All Alone” by Nicholas Fisk.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the place and the persona in the short story.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 literature textbook
REFLECTION: Teacher gave notes on themes and moral values to students. Teacher also advised students to be more mature in their actions. It was more like a counselling session to the students since 3 of them were found to be unhappy with their classmates. Teacher intervenes to avoid future dissatisfaction among themselves.

DATE: 14th March 2014 (Friday)     CLASS: 2D     TIME: 1710-1545
THEME: People
TOPIC: LITERATURE – “One Is One and All Alone” by Nicholas Fisk.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Talk about place and people
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to provide the place and the persona in the short story.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level – 1) Activities: Students are given a set of questions on the board and they have to write the correct answers. Their friends will help them.
RESOURCES: English Form 2 literature textbook
REFLECTION: Students wrote notes about the themes of the short story.

TARIKH: 14 Mac 2014 (Jumaat)     KELAS: 2B     MASA: 1710-1820
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni
TOPIK: Ruang.
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami kaedah pengaplikasian seni ruang yakni perspektif satu titik lenyap dalam karya seni.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Penghasilan tugasan seni dengan mengaplikasikan perspektif dalam lukisan.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.2
REFLEKSI: Sambungan lukisan perspektif satu titik lenyap. P&P berjalan lancar.

15 MARCH 2014 (Friday) – Golden Jubilee Celebration for SMK Serian (50 Years)


Azman said...

Terima kasih kerana telah menyediakan blog rph sehingga minggu ke 11.

Blog tuan kemas dan lengkap.

Sila pastikan blog itu siap sedia pada tarikh yang dikehendaki oleh pentadbir.

Paulsta said...

Terima kasih tuan.