Tuesday, April 16, 2013


New Timetable #4

Drill Practice at Serian Police HQ (1st-3rd April)
Police Cadet Corp Day (4th April 2013)

TARIKH: 5 April 2013 (Jumaat) KELAS: 1G MASA: 1435-1545
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni
TOPIK: Bentuk
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami dan menyatakan dengan jelas pelbagai sifat bentuk dalam karya.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Membincangkan teknik serta contoh karya.
NILAI MORAL: Menghargai.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.1
REFLEKSI: Pelajar didedahkan dengan konsep bentuk serta perbincangan diadakan.

DATE: 5th April 2013 (Friday) CLASS: 2D TIME: 1600-1710
THEME: People - Famous Faces
TOPIC: GRAMMAR - Adjectives that show qualities.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Differentiate the qualities found in the topic.
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to answer questions based on the topic.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level - 1) Activities: Students are asked to write the answers for the exercises after teacher explains about the topic.
RESOURCES: English form 2 textbook
REFLECTION: Students were able to do the task given to them.

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