Tuesday, April 16, 2013


DATE: 15th April 2013 (Monday) CLASS: 2M TIME: 1400-1635
THEME: People - Famous Faces
TOPIC: COMPOSITION - Writing a formal letter.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Exposing and enhancing students' skills in writing a good formal letter.
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a better formal letter.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level - 2) Activities: Students are given an example of a formal letter. Then teacher instruct the students to write similar type of letter but with different purpose. (Give a letter of complaint about a fountain pen as an example and students are asked to write a complaint about an expired product)
MORAL VALUES: Understanding.
RESOURCES: Shanta, Rohini & Kurup, Uma. Model Compositions and Summaries. 2008. Penerbit Ilmu Bakti Sdn Bhd.
REFLECTION: Student were able to do the task given. T&L as usual.

DATE: 15th April 2013 (Monday) CLASS: 2D TIME: 1635-1745
THEME: People - Famous Faces
TOPIC: COMPOSITION - Writing a formal letter.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Exposing and enhancing students' skills in writing a good formal letter.
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a better formal letter.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level - 2) Activities: Students are given an example of a formal letter. Then teacher instruct the students to write similar type of letter but with different purpose. (Give a letter of complaint about a fountain pen as an example and students are asked to write a complaint about an expired product)
MORAL VALUES: Understanding.
RESOURCES: Shanta, Rohini & Kurup, Uma. Model Compositions and Summaries. 2008. Penerbit Ilmu Bakti Sdn Bhd.
REFLECTION: Student were able to do the task given. T&L as usual.

TARIKH: 16 April 2013 (Selasa) KELAS: 1H MASA: 1400-1510
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni
TOPIK: Bentuk
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami dan menyatakan dengan jelas pelbagai sifat bentuk dalam karya.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Membincangkan teknik serta contoh karya.
NILAI MORAL: Menghargai.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.1
REFLEKSI: Pelajar diberikan latihan berkenaan garisan. Penghasilan aktiviti dihantar dan dinilai oleh guru.

TARIKH: 16 April 2013 (Selasa) KELAS: 1A MASA: 1635-1745
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni
TOPIK: Bentuk
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami dan menyatakan dengan jelas pelbagai sifat bentuk dalam karya.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Membincangkan teknik serta contoh karya.
NILAI MORAL: Menghargai.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.1
PBS: B1D1E1 - Ruang
REFLEKSI: Pelajar diberikan latihan berkenaan garisan. Penghasilan aktiviti dihantar dan dinilai oleh guru.

TARIKH: 17 April 2013 (Rabu) KELAS: PA MASA: 1250-1400
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni
TOPIK: Warna
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami dan menyatakan perbezaan serta hasil campuran warna.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Membincangkan teknik serta contoh-contoh campuran warna.
NILAI MORAL: Menghargai.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.1
REFLEKSI: Guru memberikan nota kepada pelajar. walau bagaimanapun ada 25 orang pelajar masih keliru dengan warna contohnya jingga, ungu dan warna asas yang dicampur menjadi warna tertier. guru memberikan contoh dengan menunjukkan gambar dalam buku rujukan.

DATE: 17th April 2013 (Wednesday) CLASS: 2M TIME: 1400-1510
THEME: People - Famous Faces
TOPIC: LITERATURE - "Rumpelstiltskin" retold by Angela Lanyon.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Comparing the characters based on their dialogues i.e: who is the bad guy, who is in control etc.
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to differentiate the charcters based on their understanding of the drama.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level - 2) Activities: Students are told to look for important details regarding 2 characters i.e Rumpelstiltskin and Lisa. Then students have to give their opinions based on the 2 characters.
MORAL VALUES: Understanding.
RESOURCES: Form 2 literature textbook.
REFLECTION: Teacher have to do a retrial on PBS since 15 students did not achieve the desired band. The outcome / results will be in Teacher's Transit Record.

TARIKH: 17 April 2013 (Rabu) KELAS: 1C MASA: 1600-1710
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni
TOPIK: Warna
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami dan menyatakan dengan jelas pelbagai sifat bentuk dalam karya.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Membincangkan teknik serta contoh karya.
NILAI MORAL: Menghargai.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.1
REFLEKSI: Guru membincangkan asas-asas warna yakni warna asas, warna sekunder dan warna tertier. Penggunaan gambar untuk memudahkan pemahaman para pelajar.

DATE: 18th April 2013 (Thursday) CLASS: 2M TIME: 1400-1510
THEME: People - Famous Faces
TOPIC: GRAMMAR - Adjectives that show qualities.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Differentiate the qualities found in the topic.
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to answer questions based on the topic.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level - 1) Activities: Students are asked to write the answers for the exercises after teacher explains about the topic.
RESOURCES: English form 2 textbook
REFLECTION: Remaining retrial for PBS - 3 students present. Other students read books for NILAM programme.

TARIKH: 18 April 2013 (Khamis) KELAS: 1E MASA: 1525-1635
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni
TOPIK: Bentuk
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami dan menyatakan dengan jelas pelbagai sifat bentuk dalam karya.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Membincangkan teknik serta contoh karya.
NILAI MORAL: Menghargai.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.1
REFLEKSI: Memberi nota kepada pelajar dan membuat pembetulan PBS. Pelajar dapat memberikan pemahaman mereka melalui sesi soal jawab.

DATE: 18th April 2013 (Thursday) CLASS: 2D TIME: 1745-1820
THEME: People - Famous Faces
TOPIC: LITERATURE - "Rumpelstiltskin" retold by Angela Lanyon.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Comparing the characters based on their dialogues i.e: who is the bad guy, who is in control etc.
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to differentiate the charcters based on their understanding of the drama.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level - 2) Activities: Students are told to look for important details regarding 2 characters i.e Rumpelstiltskin and Lisa. Then students have to give their opinions based on the 2 characters.
MORAL VALUES: Understanding.
RESOURCES: Form 2 literature textbook.
REFLECTION: Gave spelling quiz for the students. 50% gave more than half correct answers. corrections done with the students. Gave homework i.e. building sentences from the given spelling words.

TARIKH: 19 April 2013 (Jumaat) KELAS: 1G MASA: 1435-1545
TEMA: Unsur-unsur Seni
TOPIK: Warna
HASIL PEMBELAJARAN: Pelajar akan dapat memahami dan menyatakan dengan jelas pelbagai sifat warna dalam karya.
OBJEKTIF PEMBELAJARAN: Membincangkan teknik serta contoh karya.
NILAI MORAL: Menghargai.
RUJUKAN: Buku rujukan PSV Ting.1
REFLEKSI: Para pelajar menyalin nota dan diberikan penerangan oleh guru.  guru menanyakan 5 soalan kepada 5 orang pelajar secara rawak. Pelajar dapat menjawab.

DATE: 19th April 2013 (Friday) CLASS: 2D TIME: 1600-1710
THEME: People - Famous Faces
TOPIC: GRAMMAR - Adjectives that show qualities.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Differentiate the qualities found in the topic.
OBJECTIVE/S OF THE LESSON: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to answer questions based on the topic.
LESSON DEVELOPMENT: (Level - 1) Activities: Students are asked to write the answers for the exercises after teacher explains about the topic.
RESOURCES: English form 2 textbook
REFLECTION: Students are able to do the given task. However 3 students have difficulties in understanding the Qs. Teacher explain and guide them.


Ensnat said...


Syabas dan tahniah! Penulisan dan penyediaan yang lengkap. Cuma, bahagian refleksi masih belum dapat menggambarkan pencapaian PdP di kelas. Kalau itu dapat dilakukan, tindakan susulan dapat diambil.

Paulsta said...

Thank you sir. Saya akan tambahbaik bahagian refleksi.